Fun Stuff

Thursday, December 27, 2012


I found this little nugget perusing my potentially dying computer, in attempt to delete and save some files. Originally written in March for the CAA blog, yet I don't think it was every posted. Oh well. Do enjoy:

19. That is the current tally of nicknames. The number I have had, or at least of the ones I remember. They come from every avenue of my life: youth soccer teams (Sam), college friends (Sara Sam, Straight Chizzled, Smash), or CAA internship (Chuck, Coach, Sam Truck). I think my favorite is “Sadie.” My parents named me Sara after her and our friends have both called us Sadie. I love the reminder of my sweet, outspoken, and southern accent speaking grandmother.

Although I remember much from her, I will always think of our many times laughing together. We would often be cracking up, when we probably should be sad about a situation. She would say, “it is better that we are laughing about it than crying.” Her words have marked my life. No doubt. If I were to write an autobiography, I would title it, “live it up,” thanks to her. No, I do not mean party all the time and live a crazy and fun life for myself. I mean just to live up the moment while I have it. Enjoy the time I have doing the things that I do, being around the people I am around. She taught me that early. And, I have experienced enough heartache in my short 23 years to know life is short. There is no point crying and getting frustrated about a situation (usually one that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things), when I can just laugh and see the bright side of it.

So, choose joy. The Bible never uses the phrase, yet I find the idea written all over the pages. “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say rejoice” gives one instance (Philippians 4). Rejoice even in the midst of crazy life circumstances, good and bad. Whether that is in a tough marriage, a new baby on the way, frustrations with children, graduation festivities, or even losing a parent. Joy can be found in any situation. By that I mean, find it. It’s totally worth it. Sadie says do it.