Fun Stuff

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

thoughts from the water run.

i am a lady of many questions.  that is for sure.  ask my madre about that one.  she can tell you i have been that way since birth.  well, i ask many a questions these days.  especially as an intern.

the question on our trip to grab water today:  "if you had three pieces of advice you could give an intern, what would it be?"

the answers i got:

  1. bake a lot of cakeballs
  2. talk with as many people as you can
  3. ask if you can go on or to something, other folks in the office don't always think to invite you
  4. meet with and talk to as many people as possible, especially using the contacts from caa
  5. don't be afraid to think outside of the box

i'll take it.