Fun Stuff

Thursday, February 9, 2012

i've been in college for a year.

i wrestle often with the fact that i am no longer in college.  not necessarily a bad kind of wrestle.  but, just wrestling with and wondering am i okay with that.  this time last year, i think the answer was no.  but, last trip to athens proved the answer is a yes.  maybe not quite definitive, but a yes nonetheless.  there are little moments though that hit me and take me back.  namely tonight.  i received an itunes gift card for christmas.  i finally got around to looking for some new jams.  i realized none of my favorites (dave barnes and matt wertz) have new albums out.   naturally, i looked for other music i wanted.  and, i got to that point where i had no idea what i wanted.  i don't know what artist is all the rage, or what everyone loves these days.  i don't have roommates to ask their music tastes, nor can i hear the buzz around campus.  maybe this is what benji was talking about.  and, it hit me that i ain't in college anymore.  second year out.  and, i am still realizing these things.  still not quite sure what i think about them.  but, i'll take it.

a new phase am i entering.  a new season.  and, it does hit me that i am not in college anymore.  yet, i am also excited about the next step.  gonna be a good ride.  cuz it has been so far.  and, he is faithful...