Fun Stuff

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


no fruits and veggies here.  just meetings.  let me explain.  i walked out of my last meeting (at 5:03 pm) and felt like our boss man.  he has meetings a lot...anyways, here's the recap:  prayer this morning with all church staff.  communion and singing in our BEAU-tiful chapel.  our cso office meeting afterwards with two friends doing great things with their ministries.  coffee and donuts and new chairs included.  boss man asked us to all go around and share: (1) our story of how we got here  (2) our greatest success since being with camp and  (3) our greatest personal struggle.  it took a while but it was really fun to hear everyone's story, but more that than to be united in our weaknesses.  for sure.  then we asked some more questions and prayed for our friends.  i liked it.  next was lunch with said two new friends.   returned to a phone call meeting with hawaii.  then, skyping internationally.  and, finally, a meeting with supervisor/discipler/dad/friend about camp recruiting.  long and busy day.  but oh so good.  i love this place...