Fun Stuff

Thursday, January 9, 2014


During Holiday Camp, cold and rainy weather forced us inside one entire day. With limited gym space, we played World Cup (arguably the biggest sporting event of the world, played every four years, this summer in Sao Paulo) trivia. So, first question, “What country is hosting this year’s World Cup?” Lots of hands went up. I called on a nine-year-old boy from Briarwood: “Brazil!” Point! Next question: “Where was last year’s World Cup played?” More hands up, and I call on another boy, “South Africa!” Point for the other team! Next question: “Recently, a very important leader from that country died. What’s his name?” Only one hand raises. I call on a nine-year-old NorthStar kid, “I don’t think it’s right, but, Man...dela??” Correct!! Quite impressed that he knew of this world leader. And, that he knew the answer to my follow-up question: “Why was Nelson Mandela so important?” “He was like...a civil rights leader in Africa.” Correct again.