Fun Stuff

Saturday, June 22, 2013

visit take-aways, throwback style...

written in my journal 4/13/12, after a bham visit.  a much needed reminder of late...

i gotta trust in him above all, regardless of the circumstances.  whether at perimeter, northstar, overseas, the jboro, or even athens.  although being here might make me trust in him more, i need to trust in him always.  tornadoes or sunny weather.  rich, white suburbs, or inner-city.  dream job or worst job ever.  no community or community.  married or not.  i gotta run to him first and above all.  and need him.  easy, comfortable work, or hard work.  unsure or sure of calling.  knowing what's next or not.  i feel that i don't quite fit anywhere.  except with you.  thanks for time away where i can get little nuggets.  you know he's already got it planned out for ya.  you don't have to worry about it.  no really...