Fun Stuff

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


to take by choice into a relationship, especially to take voluntarily as one's own child;  to accept formally and put into effect;  to sponsor the care and maintenance of

enter victor running around his house, tossing a football in the air.  after he breaks an expensive vase, this is the exchange between he and his adopted mom:
"i'm sorry.  i'll...i'll...i'll pay for it."
"are you okay?"
" much is it?"
"i told you to be's expensive."
"i'm sorry."
"you don't have to pay for it.  how about this.  let's just go back to the 'no football in the house rule', alright?"
", you're not gonna change your mind about adopting me?  like not have the ceremony?"
"no.  i'm never gonna change my mind."
"okay...oookay.  "
"i want you to stick around."
a picture of my heart right now.  thanks nbc.  thanks parenthood.  ha.  seriously though.  i feel like victor all too often.  i do something wrong, or i mess up, and i automatically think god doesn't love me anymore.  or, god is mad with me.  or, what will be my punishment.  yet, he continually says to me over and over again that he loves me.  and, nothing i can do will ever change that.  regardless of my sin and mistakes and wrong actions, he still will have me in his family.  he has adopted me and nothing can change that.  how indeed i do struggle with believing that.  so often.  to walk by and in grace, not in performance...

yet...for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of god—not by works, so that no one can boast.  ephesians 2:8-9.

"i want that [woman] in my family.  i will do anything to get [her] in my family."