Fun Stuff

Thursday, November 1, 2012

cso internship recap.

In lieu of the new month of November, thoughts from my journal written September 1st, 2012...

I started out an internship with Camp All-American one year ago today.  Wowzers.  I was asked yesterday if I regretted anything about the internship.  I said the only thing I regretted was not keeping in touch with my supporters well.  A friend has often asked me, “are you glad you did it?”  And I can say the answer is a definite yes.  Amen.
A month until I start at NorthStar.  Amen.
A month of support raising ahead of me.  May you provide and help me to actively put my faith in you. 
Psalm 78.  It is real good.  Reminding me to not forget.
  • Support Raised – 80% by 9/1/12; 100% by 10/1/12
  • Amazing relationships with Full-Time Staff
  • Figured out what I wanna do – coaching
  • Personal growth, refinement, and development
  • San Diego take-aways – humility, sports ministry, fun, and friends
  • ARK – probably our biggest success
  • Summer 2012
  • Meetings with Tricia
  • TFL (theology class)

So, what did God do?
  1. He provided support.  Enough money for me to live off of for a whole year.  Faithful.  Provider.
  2. He taught me a lot about myself – spiritually and elsewise, so I can serve him and tell others about him way better.
  3. He taught me about himself.
  4. He opened my eyes to his goodness and what I wanna be when I grow up.  Good.
  5. He blessed ARK.  Tons of kids came, never got rained out or too cold (honest truth; we never had to cancel because of weather – praise the Lord), relationships built with parents and kids where they trusted us, told them about jesus.
  6. He blessed me with fantastic relationships.  Relationships centered on Christ.  More of a taste of true community where encouragement, correction, laughter, fun, and even hard work can co-exist.
  7. He provided a job after the internship, actually one that honestly fell right into my lap in NorthStar.  Mind-blowing that I get to work with an old camp friend and do something that I love.
  8. He taught and sanctified me a lot through this summer.
  9. He reminded me of how good he is.  Through all the ups and downs, he is still good.  And, this year has been fantastic, challenging, growing, nurturing, exciting, frustrating, overwhelming; worth it.  He redeems and restores.  And is truly good and wants our good above all.  Seriously.  Remember it Samchok.

Themes:  Don’t quit.  Don’t forget.  He is good.  Just wait and see.  He will provide.  Knowing him is most important.  Be who God has created me to be.  Enjoy the ride (don’t fret about the end).  Eat it up.  As a lot of questions; have a lot of doubts.  Not everything needs a category/title.  I don’t like being left alone.  Asking for help is difficult; community.  Stop and walk by the spirit.  Keep being relational and intentional.  “You’ve got your scars and you’ve got your birthmarks.  Darling, we all do.”

“I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation…I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation.”  Psalm 40:9-10