Fun Stuff

Saturday, August 18, 2012

samchok's caa 2012 debrief.

I decided instead of writing pages and pages in my journal, I would take a more creative and less wordy route. So, I grabbed a table at Starbucks and laid out my colored sharpies and pens, thick white watercolor paper, and an old journal. I categorized phrases, words, names, and events, into three lists: good times, Debbie Downers, & lessons learned.  When I was done, words, colors, names, events, descriptions, and quotes filled the page.  

It is easy for me to think this summer was a waste. Frustration, regret, disappointment, missed opportunities, lost time, neglected relationships – those words all characterize my last summer at CAA, at least in my mind. But, an Ozone counselor reminded me our last week of camp, “Samchok, you’re too hard on yourself. You really have done a great job this summer.” Thanks Katie. So, I knew I needed that time Wednesday to especially remember the great times, hilarious moments, and God stories before I forgot them. 

It was an "off" summer for me though.  Not what I hoped it would be.  Cuz remember I had been thinking about this summer, my last at CAA, since September.  Even planning, more specifically, since I learned of my Ozone director position in January.  Two main reasons I attribute to this "off" summer:

  1. The loss of “fun Sara.” I got too caught up in the vision of Ozone being the best it could be, that I lost sight of the people around me. I didn’t take the time to relax, have fun, and enjoy the events, folks, and life happening when I stopped thinking about myself. Plus, the stress of thinking through NorthStar and raising support didn’t help. 
  2. Broken foot. Crutches for two weeks of CAA, and a boot for the rest affected my mindset and attitude way more than I expected.  Probably way more than it ought have.  Seriously.  Normal tasks seemed insurmountable, and I often chose the easy/lazy way out.  Not being able to run or play any sports all summer also made for a huge Debbie Downer.  It was like I couldn't be myself at camp.  At least in some regards.  
My boot twin Kelly and I one day at camp.  

My other boot friend Strecker giving me a lift to the pool.  I started a trend of which
I am horribly sorry.  Over the course of the summer, five folks had a boot.  One
being a camper!  I have never before seen anyone in a boot at CAA ever before.
Jay Martin was right when he dubbed this summer "the year of the boot."

But, I write this to say how the summer ended on a good note.  God is good.  Real good.  Week 8, my boss Eric encouraged the return of “fun Sara.” To be relational and the quirky gal I am, and not worry about stuff that doesn’t need to be worried about. It was liberating.  I sooo enjoyed the last few weeks. And, as I think back, I am amazed that God still used me, despite my “off” summer.  Sad, yes, that I lost time and relationships with those closest to me, inside and outside of camp.  But, I'll take it.  He really did do amazing things at CAA.  Also, I'll be okay with my summer due to the lessons learned that I will take with me to NorthStar and beyond:
  1. Indicative before imperative. Don’t forget about the people around me. Think of them first before what needs to be done. 
  2. Know and seek him first. Don’t just do Christian work and tell others to know the Lord. Know him.  Cuz that is the most important above all. 
  3. Walk by the Spirit. Pray unceasingly, well as best as we can do. Ask and listen as the Spirit says go, stop, do, and speak. 
  4. Relax, have fun, and b-e-e-e-e-e yourself (thanks genie). Fun Sara needs to stay around. Enough said. 
  5. God is good. No really. Despite a summer full of regrets on my end, Ozone rocked this summer. Literally.  The counselors were studs.  Couldn't have asked for a better group of 18 guys and girls to share the gospel with some middle-schoolers.  And, my CORE were fantastic.  Didn't truly appreciate them until the last week or two.  But, couldn't have rocked this summer without Daniel, Laney, and Preston.  Also, inside and outside of Ozone, God allowed me to meet and get to know some studs.  So, thankful for those relationships.  And, did I mention week ten was ballin'?
The Ozone team, without Preston.  "'Tater on three.  'Tater on three.  One, two, three...'TATER!."
Our, "Tater Tower," just like potatoes, you know?  Laney's idea.  Regardless, I loved working with these guys.
They  were great.  Couldn't have asked for better CORE leaders.  

The final #’s. Good times: 30. Debbie Downers: 12. Lessons learned: 6. Once again, I’ll take it.  Praise the Lord.