Fun Stuff

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Freedom soccer was the game.  Our team had one kid and ten counselors.  The other team the same.  We were down, pretty bad.  But, no one cared.  We had one objective in mind – to get Divya to score.  She stood in front of the goal waiting.  Each time a counselor got a soccer ball, I heard shouts of “Divya!  Divya!”  The ten college aged counselors on our team wanted this one eight year old to score.  The counselors on the other team would even go a bit easier so she could get the ball and have an open shot at the goal.  Finally, I mean finally, we were playing for a good long while…she scored!  Yeaaaaaahhhhh!  I went crazy!  Yelling at the top of my lungs.  Double high fives.  Jumping up and down.  But, it was worth it.  Divya scored!  Even if we lost the game.

That’s just a taste: healthy competition; redeemed sport. 

Sport: professional leagues, youth and recreational levels, individual competition, pick-up games, simple play, and anything in between.  Redeem:  to change for the better; repair; restore; to buy back; to free from what distresses or harms; to make good.  What if sport were redeemed?  No seriously, what if?  Is that even possible?  I believe God is a redeeming God (Revelation 21:5, Romans 8:18-30, Genesis 50:20, Colossians 1:21).  And, I believe he wants us to join him in that redemption, in all areas of our lives, including sport.
So, what’s my point?  I ask that we, parents, coaches, and players, could work together to redeem our playing fields into something greater than just freshly cut grass or a newly finished gym floor.  What if we see sports fields of the world become cathedrals to the glory of God?  Instead of cathedrals to pride, self, glory, egos, and fame?  No seriously, what if?  Parents, could it be encouraging from the sidelines, eating ice-cream after a great game, or asking your child why he blew up in frustration at the referee?  Coaches (this includes me), what about caring for more than just the athletic performance of our players – coaching their whole heart, mind, soul, and body?  And, players, chances are you aren’t reading this blog entry.  You get off easy this time…  

Redeemed sport.  What could it look like?

written for the caa blog.  check it out here: