Fun Stuff

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

four things.

four things have transpired worth noting in the past few weeks:

  1. at ARK, the kids were sitting down in a circle and one kid piped up: “Did you really ride your bike to Florida?”  Then ensued a five minute conversation about Ride for Christ.  Just the bike ride part though.
  2. also at ARK, an encouraging conversation occurred with a freezing parent. learned about her masters degree in organic chemistry.  the differences between universities in the states and in india.  she thanked us for playing with her kids.  at the other apartment complexes where they live, they haven't had anything like ARK.  so good for the kids to get together, meet new friends, play games, and just have fun.  Her kids love it and cannot wait for Thursday.
  3. a kid (4th grader, maybe) walked in our office and gave us a check for $600.  he apparently does this every year.  he gives his birthday money to the camp all-american scholarship fund, a program to help underprivileged kids come to camp.  
  4. a guy from india came to look at our ropes course.  stephen (from our office), met steve (the indian guy) at a sports ministry conference earlier last month.  and, since steve has family in atlanta, he decided to drop by.  steve owns a gym and is thinking about building some sort of ropes course in his town in india.