Fun Stuff

Saturday, November 19, 2011


had dinner with my friend laney tonight.  i like this kid a lot.  she was in my core this summer and rocked ozone.  i have loved being able to stay in touch with her throughout the fall.  she is a boss.  anyways, back to dinner.  it was one of those good dinners where you sit and chat for a while.  the ones that make me feel alive.  we were chatting about life and camp and the internship.  and, it hit me.  one of those emotions that rushes over you.  i am absolutely loving working for camp.  hands down.  so glad i am here.

just as a taste, here are some questions i am pondering these days:
money and resources aside, what is my dream job?  what are my dreams?
what are my spiritual gifts?
how prideful am i really?
does god truly delight in and want good for me?
how does sport (specifically soccer) affect my everyday life?
what are important vs. urgent tasks?
how important is the power of story to communicate?