Fun Stuff

Sunday, November 27, 2011

behold, i am making all things new.

“Good music makes you homesick for a place that you've never been.” - anonymous

I stole it from Bethany Dillon.  I have always liked that quote because I have always liked how music touches my soul.  I could never quite put my finger on it, though.  Why, at least.  Last night, I was a reading some blogs.  Quite random ones, actually.  Ran across one where the writer mentioned a moment at a recent concert.  Where the music was so beautiful – the harmonies, chords, rhythm, piano and guitar and voice, etc.  Heaven must be like this, she thought.  Beautiful.  Perfect.  I liked it.  I thought of how music often soothes souls.  Makes you homesick for heaven.

July 3rd, 2011.  Driving back from Savannah to Atlanta for the Peachtree.  Just before I jumped in my car, my friend Summers gave me a mixed CD.  So, naturally, I put it in for the 4 hour drive.  I fell in love with the new tunes.  We stopped to eat dinner in Macon.  It was a cool summer night, the sun had just set, and the rain was hitting me as I stepped outside my car.  I felt alive.  I said to Summers, “I want to really live.”  Something happened when I put in that CD.  Something sparked within me when I heard that music.  It made me homesick for a place I’d never been.  Heaven.  A place where everything is made right.  Full living.  Beauty.  Perfection.  Love.  Wholeness.  Shalom.  Everything is right.  No more discord.  No more brokenness. 

Good music so often soothes my soul.  I want to listen to more music that does that.  Good music touches desires of mine that are for perfection, beauty, shalom, community, love.  That is why it makes me homesick for a place I’ve never been.  That is why I love it so. 

And, now on my to do list:  go to a concert.  soon.