Fun Stuff

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

one hundred percent.

yesterday, the ladies ate at marlow's for the purpose of sharing more about our lives with each other in preparation for our retreat this week.  (pray for us if you get a minute.  battle for women's hearts is thursday to sunday.)  i am a big fan of the cso ladies (dee, jen, sarah grace, and rachel) and marlow's (fish tacos all the way) these days...

yesterday, a lengthy conversation ensued among the full-time staff.  i asked if they felt called to work at camp all-american.  i am wondering my own "calling," ya know?  i later asked where they see sarah grace and i after the internship.  some ridiculous answers followed, but there were some pretty good serious ones.  then we chatted about sarah grace's and i's first impressions of the full-time staff.  hilarious...

yesterday, i realized i love this job.  lunches with cool kids and funny chats with the full-timers are only part of it.  i recently watched the camp video from week 10.  it reminded me of how much i love camp all-american, especially the summer time.  the internship is so great though.  where else can i spend some serious time seeking the lord on where i am headed next?  who else sends me to a women's retreat in alabama (leave tomorrow), a sports ministry conference in san diego (next month), and a camp in egypt (next summer) to further aid in that end?  and, if that doesn't get me pumped, i am at 100%!  he provides.  thanks so much supporters!!