Fun Stuff

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the patch.

caa was featured in the local "johns creek patch" yesterday.  check it out:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

the place to be.

post from a co-worker after an Athens recruiting trip: "SUCCESS!! Great day in Athens seeing old and new CAA friends. And Your Pie was. . . unforgettable. Camp All-American really IS The Place to Be!! I love my job"

words from another co-worker: "Best road trip ever in the offseason."

i could not agree any more...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

"in our society many people have worked extremely hard to pursue careers that pay well rather than fit their talents and interests.  such careers are straight jackets that in the long run stifle and dehumanize us."

- tim keller

i've been in college for a year.

i wrestle often with the fact that i am no longer in college.  not necessarily a bad kind of wrestle.  but, just wrestling with and wondering am i okay with that.  this time last year, i think the answer was no.  but, last trip to athens proved the answer is a yes.  maybe not quite definitive, but a yes nonetheless.  there are little moments though that hit me and take me back.  namely tonight.  i received an itunes gift card for christmas.  i finally got around to looking for some new jams.  i realized none of my favorites (dave barnes and matt wertz) have new albums out.   naturally, i looked for other music i wanted.  and, i got to that point where i had no idea what i wanted.  i don't know what artist is all the rage, or what everyone loves these days.  i don't have roommates to ask their music tastes, nor can i hear the buzz around campus.  maybe this is what benji was talking about.  and, it hit me that i ain't in college anymore.  second year out.  and, i am still realizing these things.  still not quite sure what i think about them.  but, i'll take it.

a new phase am i entering.  a new season.  and, it does hit me that i am not in college anymore.  yet, i am also excited about the next step.  gonna be a good ride.  cuz it has been so far.  and, he is faithful...